ATC's Abound
Well, it's been a long time since I made ATC's (well these are actually ACEO's). So I got the idea to try out the prompt's I was doing on 4x6s with a smaller size. So I did it this time on ATC size cards. What I did this time was lay 5 blank 2.5 x 3.5 cards out then I staggered the prompts. I pulled a word out and worked on the first card, then I pulled another word out and worked on the first and second card, next the 1st, 2nd and 3rd card and so on until I was working on all five cards at the same time. And amazingly I kept going up to 19 words! The only one I didn't pull for these was "sand". Without further ado, here they are!



It Takes All Kinds

Make a Statement

Then since I was on a kick with this size, I made two more (just regular, without the prompts)
A Tree in the Forest

Unusual George

Spring has sprung. The weather is warm. The sun is shining. I love living out here sooooo much. (For those who don't know, we moved from Alberta to Ontario last summer.)
See you soon!
It Takes All Kinds
Make a Statement
Then since I was on a kick with this size, I made two more (just regular, without the prompts)
A Tree in the Forest
Unusual George
Spring has sprung. The weather is warm. The sun is shining. I love living out here sooooo much. (For those who don't know, we moved from Alberta to Ontario last summer.)
See you soon!