I'm A Square
It's squares here all the time, lately. Whether they be tiny one inch art squares or the grid of a calendar. I'm back to working with my mystery envelope #4 but first up to share is another altered calendar page, available on etsy.
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and a close-up detail:

Last night I went back to my Mystery Envelope Project #4. I gathered together some small items: 2 1950's travel brochures, a 1980s insurance pamphlet and the front of a tiny greeting card. I'm using these items to make one inch squares. I have a teeny wicker basket with pre-painted squares that I add to every now and then and I'm using those as backgrounds and taking collage elements from the above. The 50's brochures are great for interesting text! Here's what I've done so far:

I'm particularly pleased with these last ones. I did the first two and then as I was putting the image on the last one realized that I could make a "set" and searched for appropriate text to make a sentence.
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and a close-up detail:
Last night I went back to my Mystery Envelope Project #4. I gathered together some small items: 2 1950's travel brochures, a 1980s insurance pamphlet and the front of a tiny greeting card. I'm using these items to make one inch squares. I have a teeny wicker basket with pre-painted squares that I add to every now and then and I'm using those as backgrounds and taking collage elements from the above. The 50's brochures are great for interesting text! Here's what I've done so far:
I'm particularly pleased with these last ones. I did the first two and then as I was putting the image on the last one realized that I could make a "set" and searched for appropriate text to make a sentence.